Our veterinary team provides top-quality care for your beloved pets.
Comprehensive dental care services, from routine cleanings to extractions, protect your pet's oral health and overall well-being.
Dental care is a crucial aspect of overall health care for pets.
Why it matters:
Preventing Pain and Discomfort: Dental diseases can cause significant pain and discomfort to pets. Conditions like periodontal disease and tooth resorptive lesions are painful and can lead to chronic pain if not treated.
Maintaining Overall Health: Dental health is closely linked to overall health. Bacteria from dental infections can enter the bloodstream and affect vital organs, leading to conditions such as heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease.
Preventing Tooth Loss: Regular dental care helps in maintaining the integrity of the teeth and gums. Without proper care, pets are at risk of losing teeth due to severe periodontal disease.
Improving Quality of Life: Healthy teeth and gums contribute to a pet’s overall well-being, allowing them to eat and play without pain or discomfort, thus improving their quality of life.
Preventing Bad Breath: Dental disease is a common cause of bad breath in pets. Routine dental care can help prevent halitosis, making interactions more pleasant for both pets and their owners.
Routine cleaning and timely intervention for more complex issues are essential to maintain oral health, prevent pain, and improve the overall quality of life for pets. Regular dental care helps to identify problems early, reducing the need for more extensive and expensive procedures later on, and ensures that pets remain healthy and comfortable.
Locations Offering this Service
Paramount Varsity Animal Clinic
156 - 4625 Varsity Dr NW
Calgary, AB T3A 0Z9
Paramount 24 Hour Animal Hospital
4110 - 5111 Northland Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2L 2J8